
Daughters of Cacophony

1• The Missing Voice
With this power, you can "throw your voice," causing it to emanate from any point within your view. This voice operates independently of you, and you can talk normally at the same time your voice sings elsewhere, although you will be somewhat distracted. This power works automatically.

2• Tourette's Voice
With this power, you can project your voice to any point or person with which you are familiar. You can sing, talk or make any other vocal noises you like, as loudly or softly as you ordinarily can. You will not hear the sounds unless you are within earshot.

3• Toreador's Bane
This power enables you to entrance others with your voice. The effect duplicates the Toreador clan weakness, but can affect anyone. The target will sit still, in awe of your voice, until you stop singing. Thus the effects can last seconds, minutes, hours or even the entire night.

4• Art's Traumatic Essence
This is a power greatly feared, even among other vampires. It is the song that drives others mad, and can be used in conjunction with the other powers of this Discipline. It can only affect one target at a time.

5• Death of the Drum
At this level, you can use this Discipline and your voice to inflict actual damage upon others. The damage caused to mortals is mainly that of punctured eardrums. Kindred may take serious damage as dead organs begin rupturing. Only one victim can be targeted at a time.

6• Blessed Audience
Death of the Drum can be used on audience. They must be able to hear her song.

Levels 7 to 10
There are no known Daughters lower than 7th gen, though rumours exist of conductors who could get the Daughters to combine their voices for even more destructive power.