
Submission forms

First Read Rules & Requirements off the message board
Registration Requirements/Information

Second There are guidelines directly ON the submission forms to help players through the process as well as helpful information on the message board.
There are help pages for some things directly linked as well (attributes, abilities, merits etc.. PLEASE read these as your making your character sheet we prefere to only accept things that are on our resource pages.
Generally anything not on our resource sheets is going to be denighed, exceptions MIGHT be made... if (usually this pertains to merits) its documented at submission with sources as to where it came from...what White Wolf publication AND an online source in case that publication is not owned by any of the administration.

All players should read this message board thread. It helps give players an idea of how to support thier character sheet in thier character history.

Freebies allowed to each type of character are listed on the sheet at the bottom of the first header section on the forms.
Costs for purchasing dots are listed in each sections header.

Anything on a submission form that is not pertinent to your character LEAVE BLANK. Do not enter N/A or - or any other form of negation to say that you dont want that item. This will return a cleaner form for the admin and cut down on the time it takes to process forms... thx.

Attributes and Abilities are ONLY a 1-5 option. Attribute levels over three will not be allowed (Period for mortals) with out Clear Justification for levels of four. Levels of five (maxed) will be declined without one hell of a story to back up the need. (for vampires and general supernatual characters)

The fifth dot in any category should not be taken at creation. It should be bought with experience points/learned in play... you can purchase it with your freebies for 2x the cost, however, it will still be subject to ST approval and may not be approved.